“No one sees what I post…”
Are you tired of putting your heart and soul into program or content creation to be of service… and getting barely two likes or NO SALES in return?
Do you say to yourself: “I hate the selling part! I wish could just show up, deliver and get paid a lot of money for it.”?
And are you getting burnt out applying your creativity and love because so far… it’s all been for nothing?
If you are a serial soul-preneur, coach, healer or driven human being who is aching to make an impact on the world, I’m here to help you FINALLY get noticed and make the income you deserve!
Are you a serial soul-preneur, coach, healer or driven human being wondering: “How I can monetise my genius in the current market?”
Have you been investing your wholehearted energy, time and money in promising business ventures but have nothing or very little to show for it?
Do you have an impactful message to share with the world but you aren’t sure how to successfully reach out to the masses and make a decent living out of it?
Do you already have a great idea or product you wish to propel on a profitable scale without having to ‘sell’ it sounding sleazy or ‘salesy’?
Have you already figured out your niche or product but are still wondering:
→ Why it’s not selling?
→ If you’ll ever be able to make sales without feeling eeky about it?
→ And when business is ever going to get easier and free-flowing?
Do you wish you had a crystal ball to see what’s coming and avoid the pitfalls or make decisions because, sometimes, you simply just can’t figure it out yourself?
Do you find yourself ‘in the zone’ when in creativity delivering your services or making your products but doing the sales, marketing or tech stuff really isn’t your thing?
Are you bursting with business ideas and wishing you had the time, energy, skills, money and team to turn the good ones into awesome profit-making machines?
Have you travelled many roads to wealth, even had a crack at direct selling or MLM only to find out other people simply didn’t get the opportunity you were offering
Are you incredibly accomplished and therefore there is no reason you couldn’t succeed in any business, so long as you knew what that business was exactly?
Do you have to drag yourself out of bed in the morning because you are stuck in a job or a capacity that’s unfulfilling, unrewarding and draining the life out of you?
Do you feel like you are about to explode or burnout if you have to keep on going like you are for the rest of your life?
Do you believe that, surely, there’s gotta be a better way for you to monetise your skills and manifest the greater life that’s been calling you for as long as you can remember?

Are you sick and tired of…
Not getting the results you deserve after all the efforts you’ve put in?
Taking the hurtful rejections with a brave smile when in reality they are making you feel raw, invisible and small.
Wasting your time, money and energy on reach strategies and client-getting tactics that seem to work for others but not for you?
Feeling embarrassed when at dinner parties you’re asked the question: “So how is your business going?”
Putting your family and reputation at risk with disastrous financial returns?
Wondering why you’re struggling to break-even even though you have incredible skills?
Let me tell you I could have answered YES to any of these questions myself ten years ago. I got lured by society onto the corporate treadmill and displayed for many years all the external signs of success. But one day, I JUST COULDN’T DO IT ANYMORE.
I know how you feel! I was there too..
I remember the day it became all too much.
It was an early morning on the way to the office.
As I stepped into the foyer of the city building, my heart just sank and I burst into tears. I was sweating, my legs were shaking. The simple idea of walking into the office made me sick.
The pain was too much. I simply couldn’t put up with it anymore.
I had to stop pretending I could fit my soul into the meaningless outcomes of the projects I was working on.
And the worst part was that I thought I had no other choice!
But actually I did have a choice…
So I picked up the phone, rang my partner and said: “This is it, this is the end of the road here for me, I have to quit today. My survival depends on it.”
I turned around, call in sick, and went home to figure out how the heck I was going to shape the rest of my life.
I was forty-one years old and six months pregnant.
I had so many ideas yet I had no idea.

I was ambitious, I was skilled, I was determined, but my vision was blurry. I sensed so many aspects of it, and yet for the next 10 years I suffered and paid a very heavy price every day.
None of my brilliant ideas really took off or succeeded. I was embarrassed, frustrated, exhausted, it nearly got the better of my relationship and brought me to the edge of wanting to end my life.
But here I am today, leading a transformational education & coaching agency for highly accomplished women to design their ultimate fertility over 30, raise delightful leaders, monetise their genius and live the extraordinary life they always envisioned.
So what’s my secret?
The reason I’m sharing this story with you is not to get your pity or to brag, but rather to show you that this is one of the ways life has prepared me for the work that I do now…
I know how it feels to be at the end of the rope, feeling trapped, frustrated, disappointed and lost, with no real results despite all the efforts you’ve put in every single day!
Your soul in agony because you are not able to help the people you so desperately want to support..
You are not able to provide the healing you are meant to deliver..
You are not able to change the lives you are meant to impact…
And you are not making the income you need to support your loved ones…
Let alone fulfil your destiny!
If that is you, you know what I’m talking about, right?
It took me ten years to figure a way out! Ten years to reconcile my calling with a true vehicle for my soul’s purpose!
Years of studies, research, trial and errors, tens of thousands of dollars invested in my personal development, professional accreditations and business ventures.
Many maxed-out credit cards and even my father’s inheritance to keep the projects afloat!
Only to discover that I was meant to fail.
I could not succeed. And neither can you!
Because you have been looking at it the wrong way up until now.
- we don’t like sales,
- don’t have enough time, not enough money, or not enough support,
- don’t know enough about marketing or sales or technology or online sales
- don’t have the right website or social media content
- we haven’t found the right niche yet
- we haven’t found the right products or services yet
- the market is saturated
- other people are already doing it and they are much better/cheaper/more famous/more established
- we don’t have enough credibility, experience or certifications
- we can’t do graphic design
- we don’t know enough people
- we are doing something wrong
- we don’t have what it takes to make it in this market
- people just aren’t interested in or willing to pay for what we have to offer
- we don’t have the right pricing for our products or services
- we have a fear of failure or a fear of success or fear of rejection
- we don’t have the right support to make it happen
- our family or society doesn’t want us to be successful (aka the tall poppy syndrome)
But in reality the real problem is that
- we are not attracting the right people
- we are not speaking to the people who truly need what we have to offer
- we are not speaking to the people who are actually searching for us right now
And this is happening because we are
- implementing someone else’s strategies
- applying copycat marketing and sales techniques that feel so awkward when we use them that people can see through it and simply turn away
- unclear of who our real destiny-audience is
- unskilled to talk to them in a way that truly resonates with them
- unskilled to build trust and intimacy with audiences so they instantly feel safe and like you and are willing to buy from you
- Blast away the limiting beliefs we have about not deserving or not being good enough to be successful or that success is bad or that’s not possible to be doing what we love and get paid for it!
- Realise what we are truly capable of and allowing ourselves to receive what we truly deserve!
- Surrendering to the vision and letting the pieces fall into place as we communicate our vision from a place of power and possibilities!
- Get into a supportive environment that reflects to us what we cannot see for ourselves!
- Connect to a source of deep power and creativity that allows us to discover the essence of who we truly are and what our soul actualisation needs truly are so we can respond to the call and begin to see the universe aligning with it!
I’m inviting you to discover the golden niche you were meant to serve, and (re)define the perfect business as the vehicle to ethically profit from your genius even if you have no skills or interest in business.
One of my gifts is the superpower and extraordinary ability to tune into people’s essence and clearly see what makes them truly unique.
As work together, we uncover your hidden gifts and talents. We begin to tap into the unlimited potentials of your true essence, which you will learn to cultivate so you can create a lifestyle that feels in complete alignment with who you are, what you were meant to do, and how you were meant to live.


Where visionary leaders and healers monetise their genius, design the perfect business as a vehicle for their genius, create the magic to truly attract their destiny audience and enrol the people that they are meant to serve.
This program is for visionary leaders, soul-preneurs, coaches, healers and driven human beings who are aching to make an impact on the world, and want help to FINALLY get noticed and make the income they deserve!
- Audiences will start to appear, being just right, the perfect match, willing to work with you wholeheartedly.
- You are getting clients and getting them result beyond their wildest dreams.
- People will trust you, and can’t wait to work with you because all your marketing, social media, branding presence expresses the exact message they needed to hear.
- You will be able to find the people that have been looking for you all their life, ready to work with you, no matter where you at. Even if you’re imperfect.
- You’ll be able to monetise your vision and the transformation that you know is possible for them and that you are skilled to deliver.
- You’ll be able to systematically and radically impact the planet with opportunity to dedicate yourself fully to your gifts, having created the financial structures and business model you need to fund your vision, without worrying about money ever again.
- You will be able to show up in flow, every single day, because you are doing exactly what you were created to do on this earth.
- You will become a trailblazer in your industry because you finally stand out from everyone else, stand out from what everyone else is doing, being unique. People will like you for that. And you’ll be doing what you love. And you are different to everyone else.
- People will be willing to pay you a lot of money for your specific gifts and talents, that no one else is capable of delivering but you.
- You will be creating products, offers, signature programs, keynote speaches, podcast episodes, best selling books or ground breaking research materials with ease, saying goodbye to writer’s block because the words and inspiration, will literally, be pouring out of you. Your pen will start to take a life of its own, words and ideas rushing out onto the paper or onto the page.
- you will finally be making an impact on a big scale, because you have the financial resources to support and launch the project you’ve always dreamed of you, changing lives on the greatest scale that you know you were destined to accomplish in this world.
- You will be able to complete your book that starts to sell and get noticed, because you finally speak directly to the audience it was designed to touch, allowing your readers to get so many powerful transformations because they found your book on the shelves at the exact moment of synchronicity they needed it.
- You will be invited to the stages of the world which are filled with audiences that cannot wait to hear your message as you speak to them and transform their lives.
- Stop wasting money on setting up a practice where you are sitting in an empty room waiting for clients to walk through the door.
- Stop saying: “If only I could magically get the clients, I know I could really make a difference to their life and deliver the transformation or healing that they need.”
- These tactics are not working because you’re applying copycat marketing. You need to sharpen your own unique voice and know the words that truly magnetise the perfect client like bees on the spring blossom.
- You will be able to relax, and spend most of your time where your gifts are. Where you love doing what you do, transforming lives, rather than exhausting your life, and leaking your life force with awkward sales tactics that aren’t getting you anywhere and aren’t returning you any money.
- You will be able to receive heartwarming testimonials flooding to your pages with raving reviews and referrals because your clients can’t help but sharing your services with others.
- You will become a more impactful storyteller, sharing your message, products or services in a language that resonates deeply and strikes the cords of the people you’re meant to serve, so they cannot help but call you and work with you and talk about you, rave about you.
- You can finally make the income you deserve to fuel the fullness of your vision and live the life you’ve always envisioned!
- Discover your genius, unique gifts and talents and the Unique Contribution you were meant to make on this earth!
- Who the destiny audience is that you were meant to serve so you stop being nothing to everyone and start being everything to raving fans who are buying from you every single day!
- Design up your unique message or service that no one else can deliver but you so you will never have to worry about competition ever again!
- Learn how to package your genius into irresistible offers your clients will be begging you to buy!
- How to chose or reorient your business structure to suit your personality and lifestyle so you can support the impact you are destined to make without burning out!
- Learn the secret language that communicates to the hearts of your destiny audience to make them wish they’d met you sooner and buy from you without questions!
- Blast away all the limiting beliefs about yourself, about others and about life that have been preventing you from experiencing sustainable long term success!
A reading of your essence qualities
Draft offer
Business model to suit your personality, lifestyle and financial goals
Branding magnetic keywords and hypnotic taglines
Marketing strategy
Social Media calendar template